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Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing 2021 - Now a Virtual Conference (*) 

(*) March 10th, 2021 - The organizers have decided that the MMM 2021 will be a fully online conference. We regret that due to the Covid-19 situation we have been forced to change the planned hybrid meeting into a full online event.

Online submissions will be closed on  March 30, 2021 (final extended deadline).

Final papers are due 14 June July 15 2021.

Submit Here

Types of Contribution

Full contribution:

  • 6 page peer reviewed paper, 20 min presentation (15 min presentation and 5 min Q&A), published in the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine INSseries hosted on ScienceDirect and indexed on SCOPUS.

Industrial contribution:

  • 2 page peer reviewed abstract with at least one industrial author, 20 min presentation (15 min presentation and 5 min Q&A).  Not published in IFAC-PapersOnLine.

Poster contribution:

  • 2-page peer reviewed abstract, poster of max. size A0 (portrait, 841 x 1189 mm), 3-5 min presentation.
  • No poster template  provided.

Manuscript Preparation

All submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IFAC format. Full and industrial contributions must be submitted in PDF format that complies with these requirements. You can test the compliance of your PDF prior to submission.

Invited Sessions and Open Invited Tracks

Authors are able to organize
    •    classical invited sessions or
    •    new open invited tracks,

In both cases the topics should fall within the scope of the congress and address specific well defined limited issues. Contributions to these invited sessions or open invited tracks can be in either IFAC-standard papers or extended abstract formats:
- Invited sessions consist of 6 papers on a specific research subject. An invited session proposal should include:
    •    a title;
    •    an abstract;
    •    a detailed description of the topic;
    •    and the titles, authors and abstracts of all  contributions.
Organizers obtain upon submission an invited session code that they should distribute to contributors.
- Open invited tracks have no upper limit on the number of papers but only those having gathered more than five papers will be considered. An open invited track proposal should include:
    •    a title;
    •    an abstract;
    •    a detailed description of the topic;
    •   an Internet link to some additional material (recommended).

The MMM 2021 web site will advertise the submitted open invited tracks. Organizers are asked to submit proposals as early as possible and no later than January 30th 2021. Organizers obtain upon submission an open invited track code. Contributors are asked to enter this invited track code when submitting their papers. As soon as an open invited track is submitted, the IPC Chairs will verify the relevance of the submitted topic. This pre-evaluation will be done prior to the announcement of the track on the congress web site.


Submission Process

Submissions must be made electronically using the IFAC PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript Management System on

Please visit for detailed instructions on the paper submission process on PaperPlaza.

Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentation

We will provide on-site technical support in each conference room to facilitate a smooth course of oral presentations. We ask you to adhere to the following guidelines.

  • A 20 minutes time slot is allocated for your presentation (approximately 15 minutes talk and 5 minutes discussion). Please, strictly observe the 20 minutes time limit.
  • Please, bring your presentation file on a USB stick (USB flash drive) and copy it to the presentation computer during the break before your session.
  • Please prepare your slides with an aspect ratio of 4:3 in the usual PowerPoint file formats .pptx, .ppxs, .ppt, .pps or as a PDF file.
  • There are no standard slide templates for this conference. You are free to use your own style template. Use only standard TrueType fonts as otherwise legibility on the presentation computer cannot be guaranteed.
  • The conference language is English. Please, use only English in your oral presentation and on all your slides.

Poster presentation (cancelled)

  • Authors of posters are themselves responsible for printing the poster and for mounting it on the billboards available in front of the conference rooms. Adhesive tape will be available at the conference office. There is no possibility for printing the poster at the conference site.
  • The billboards will be available during the whole conference. The posters can be mounted on the billboards at any time before the poster session and may stay there until the end of the conference.
  • The maximum size of a poster is DIN A0 (portrait, 841 x 1189 mm).
  • Authors of poster presentation should prepare a 3 minutes oral presentation for the conference, in addition to the poster. Slides for the 3 minutes oral presentation must be transferred from USB to the PC in the room before the poster session.
  • The conference language is English. Please, use only English on your poster.

IFAC Young Author Award

The IPC of IFAC MMM 2021 is pleased to invite nominations for the IFAC Young Author Award.  The award is designed to stimulate the involvement of young scientists and engineers in IFAC, as well as to recognize top-level contributions of the younger generation in our field and to support their careers.  To be eligible an age criterion the author must be a maximum 30 years old at the time of the event.

The following conditions apply:

  1. No self-nominations are allowed. Nominations are typically made by supervisors or reviewers.
  2. An awards selection committee, appointed by the IPC chair, selects several finalists, on the basis of the nomination letters, the review reports, and the papers.

Finalists are informed before the event.

  1. The selection committee selects a winner out of the finalists, after having attended the presentation of the paper at the event.

The award will be presented after the final plenary of the symposium.

For more information please see More Info

Please forward your nominations to general email below.

mmm2021 at

Download Nomination Form


Copyright Conditions

All publication material submitted for presentation at an IFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Conference, Workshop) must be original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere. The authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abide by the highest standard of ethical behavior in the review process as explained on the Elsevier webpage, and the authors will abide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines.

Accepted papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be published in the proceedings of the event using the open-access IFAC-PapersOnLine series hosted on ScienceDirect. To this end, the author(s) must confer the copyright to IFAC when they submit the final version of the paper through the paper submission process. The author(s) retain the right to use a copy of the paper for personal use, internal institutional use at the author(s)’ institution, or scholarly posting at an open web site operated by the author(s) or their institution, limited to non-commercial use. Any other use of the paper requires approval by IFAC.